L&I Bulletin: COVID-19 presumptive coverage for health care and frontline workers ends May 11, 2023
Effective May 11, 2023, the state of emergency for COVID-19 ends, thereby ending presumptive coverage for COVID-19 for both health care and frontline workers.
Health care and frontline presumptive coverage will be limited to:
Contractions or exposures that occurred between the date the coverage was effective and the end of the emergency:
Healthcare workers, dates Feb. 29, 2020 through May 11, 2023.
Frontline workers, dates May 11, 2021 through May 11, 2023.
Claims that were timely filed (within two years of the exposure or contraction), and
Claims that otherwise meet the criteria for allowance.
Non-presumptive claims for COVID-19 will continue to be considered under standard occupational disease criteria, similar to that of exposures to Hepatitis.
Questions? Email: SITrainerQuestions@LNI.wa.gov
Original Press Release: https://content.govdelivery.com/accounts/WADLI/bulletins/35627c9