I’ve heard of Retro, but how does it work?
CompWise safety and claims services help lower claim costs. That means you can qualify for refunds on your premiums. You may also see your upfront premiums reduced.
A retrospective rating program can reduce your L&I premium costs. But how does it work exactly?
With CompWise, employers continue to pay their workers’ compensation premiums to L&I. However, the group’s premiums are pooled together, and at the end of the plan year if claims costs are less than the group’s premiums, the refund is returned to participating employers.
Safe companies are rewarded by paying less upfront to L&I and by qualifying for premium refunds. The lower your claims costs, the higher the refund. Also, safer companies have more engaged, productive employees and higher morale.
At CompWise, we proactively manage claims and monitor each member’s workplace safety performance to help ensure positive results for the group. That means higher refunds and lower upfront quarterly premiums for you.
You receive expert guidance from dedicated claims managers who customize employee safety programs and claims management to fit your unique business. Our claims managers have smaller claims loads than most retro programs, resulting in claims closing more quickly.
Since its inception, CompWise has refunded more than $160 million to employers. Due to our merit-rated distribution, some company refunds have exceeded 50%, making CompWise one of the best-performing retro programs in Washington state.
Do I qualify?
Participation in CompWise is available to companies in the following industries:
Hospitality & Entertainment
Facility & Property Management
To see how much you can save, get a free quote.