Helpful Tips to Reduce L&I Claims and Rates

We wanted to share some important updates and information that could impact your claims and rates:

Labor & Industries Rates Snapshot – June 1, 2023

Your 2024 rates are based on all claims between July 1, 2019, and June 30, 2022

  • Please get in touch with your claims lead as soon as possible in order to be proactive on resolving open claims.


Federal Covid Mandate - Lifted Effective June 1, 2023

Employers will now be impacted by COVID claim costs. Previously, L&I had treated COVID claims with presumptive workers’ compensation coverage and as exceptions. This was due to the federal and state public health emergency mandates. L&I did not pass the cost onto employers’ experience factor or rates during this period. The state public health emergency ended on 10-31-2022, and the federal ends on 6-1-2023.

  • We recommend keeping documentation of exposures and having light duty options at home or considering Kept on Salary (KOS).


Receive a Medical-Only Discount for Each Claim with No Indemnity Costs

Medical-only discounts apply to your experience factor calculation and can earn your company $3,570 for each claim in 2023.

  • To qualify, a claim must have no permanent partial disability or time loss costs.

  • Check with your claims lead if you have any questions about qualifying claims.


LightDuty Pathways (LDP) as an Option for Light Duty

LDP is a cost-effective way to provide safety training for your staff at home.

  • The cost is $79 per participant, and only a laptop and Wi-Fi are needed to get started.

  • You can earn Stay-at-Work reimbursements of up to 50% of wages for up to 66 days on all light duty (Doctor-approved job descriptions are required with application). Our team will apply on your behalf.


Option to Pay Kept on Salary (KOS)

You can avoid time loss payments by utilizing KOS.

  • KOS can have a positive impact on claim costs and future premiums.

  • Please contact your lead if you would like a KOS analysis.


We hope that you find this information helpful. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out using our Contact Us page.

Stephen Daniels-Brown